
Retained Search

Leadership, industry acumen and expertise are paramount in our client’s executive level staff. The growth of the company hinges on the contribution and strategic decisions these key players will make to the organization. Interior Talent offers Retained Search services to harness our team of industry insiders to identify and court those senior-level professionals who share the client’s vision and long-term goals. When we take on a Retained Search an in-house team of industry experts is assembled and dedicated to the open position. A detailed summary of performance-driven qualifications and defined metrics of success is developed in collaboration with our clients. The firm’s environment is assessed, including; resources, current team, management, decision-making process and demographics. These steps enable us to conduct a fine-tuned, efficient and results-driven process.

Some of the services include:

  • Discreetly source and identify top performers by utilizing advanced marketing and networking platforms
  • Present written profiles of qualified and interested candidates in accordance with the agreed upon timeline
  • Profiles will include: overview of professional background, outline of career milestones, long-term goals and motivation for making a change
  • Scheduling initial phone-interview, web conference or in-person meeting
  • Participate in interview process when appropriate
  • Provide detailed candidate feedback upon completion of the interview
  • Conduct and present a written summary of reference interviews
  • If requested, prepare a written offer of employment detailing all agreed to terms between final candidate and the client company
  • Facilitate/negotiate the employment offer to the final candidate
  • Assist the selected candidate in resigning from their current company
  • Ensure candidate is prepared in the event of a counteroffer

Why Interior Talent?

Over the last seventeen years, we have focused on building an extensive candidate network that is relationship driven. We understand this industry and our candidates trust us to present opportunities that align with their goals. Making a job change is a major career and life decision. Our team can be counted on for discretion, advice and support through the entire process. At Interior Talent, we are privileged to work with the best in the industry and this is something we don’t take lightly. We are an important partner in our candidate’s career which includes being a resource for job market trends, current openings, company information, interview preparation and coaching, salary negotiation and overall strategic career planning. We have a deep appreciation for this industry and the impact it has on people’s lives. This appreciation translates into a unique approach to candidate relationships, where our search experts are recognized for their investment in the happiness and success of our candidates. The quality and depth of our candidate network is why our clients choose Interior Talent.

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