Summertime Has Arrived

June 21, 2022
Posted in Job Seekers
June 21, 2022 ThePost

Summertime is all about feeling refreshed and recharged. As the sun shines stronger and the trees get greener, bring that bright energy into your design and your attitude. This change in season is the perfect excuse for a mini-spring-cleaning, a subtle shift in the layout of your furniture, or the opportunity to change up drapery & decorations to match the summer aesthetic.

It’s also a great time to take a step back and evaluate how the year’s first half has been treating you. Are you taking time to focus on having a balance between professional and personal time? Are you feeling valued at work? Have you used, or planned, any time off for the year? Each of these factors plays a part in your daily satisfaction, so taking time to check-in should be a frequent occurrence!

Bring the Summer Sunshine Inside

Wondering where to start? It’s as easy as swapping out your decorative pillows, updating the accessories on display in your home, or utilizing paint to accent a room to boost your mood for the season. Pantone has released their Spring/Summer 2022 Color Palette that can guide you in the right direction.

Spring/Summer 2022 Color Palette

Considering something bold? Try out an accent wall like the one pictured below! This may be a bigger commitment than tossing a new throw pillow onto the sofa but adding a splash of color can truly make a space feel brand new.

 splash of color
(Photo Credit)

Feel like Seeking Inspiration?

Summer travel is a classic way to reignite your curiosity and passion for design. Taking in the sights of varying architecture, observing design trends outside of your hometown, or immersing yourself in a new culture can spark ideas to bring back to work. Sometimes all it takes is a shift in perspective to reset the creativity, and what better time to travel than summertime. 

Check-In With Yourself

The design industry tends to thrive in a fast-paced-sprint towards project deadlines, so it can be easy to slip into a cycle of routine. Coming up on the halfway point of the year, we’d like to encourage you to reflect on how you’ve been feeling about your projects, the team you work with, and the role that you play within your organization. 

If you’re not feeling supported, inspired, and valued, it’s not a bad idea to add “browsing job boards” to your list of summertime activities – alongside getting a glowing tan, camping in the backyard, or trying out that new coffee shop down the street that you’ve been dying to visit. 

camping in the backyard

Not sure where to begin if you’re dipping your toes into the “Job Hunting” pool? For starters, head over to for industry resources, other candidate-focused blogs, and our job board that updates daily. Our team partners with clients nationwide, and you never know when the right opportunity will arise, so let’s get connected!