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The Post.

What’s New What’s Next 2024: A Design Enthusiast’s Dream

Enjoy insights from our Principal, Kenneth Roberts, and his experience at What’s New What’s Next 2024. 

Each year, this iconic event celebrates what’s “new” and “next” in design: the latest trends, exciting new product introductions, and inspirational insights from a roster of elite designers. WNWN is the must-attend event for the design world, bringing together the biggest and brightest in our industry. We have 100 participating showrooms, over 50 programs, and hundreds of new product launches.

Read more to learn about the experience.

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Elevating Design Businesses: Insights from the Pearl Collective Boardroom Retreat

Enjoy insights from our Principal, Kenneth Roberts, and his experience at the Pearl Collective Boardroom Retreat. 

This year’s Boardroom Retreat, Studio Designer partnered with Pearl Collective to enhance the retreat experience. The Pearl Collective team curated an outstanding program that left attendees inspired and equipped with valuable insights.

Read more to learn about the experience.

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When a Recruiter Can Make All the Difference

Perhaps at one time or another, you’ve considered using a recruiter to help you with a difficult or timely hire. Perhaps, too, after reviewing their fees, you decided to conduct the search independently.

That is understandable — but did you factor in all the elements involved?

A recruiter can do a lot more than helping you find possible candidates. They can make the difference between making a satisfactory hire and making a great one.

This blog features a recent podcast our Principal, Ken, did with Gail Doby to discuss this topic further.

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summer reset

Summer Refresh: Mid-Year Career Reflection

Independence Day is here, which means we are in the thick of the summer season! You may even be thinking, “Gee, where did 2024 go?” 

As a design professional, firm owner, project manager, or event sales executive, You may have found yourself caught up in a whirlwind of projects, deadlines, and trying to stay up to date on the industry. However, the summer months offer a perfect opportunity to pause, reflect, and refresh your approach to your personal life and your career. 

Let’s explore the different ways in which you can use this time to set yourself up for success in the latter half of the year.

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