Attitude Makes All the Difference

February 6, 2025
Posted in Job Seekers
February 6, 2025 ThePost

Kindness is key, no matter who you may be speaking with during your job search. In large offices, there may be receptionists, secretaries, or administrative assistants that handle inbound phone calls, but what if it were the company’s CEO on the other end of the line when you called in?

Would your tone change?

Would you begin your call with a greeting?

Would you use full sentences instead of simply stating “Extension XYZ?”

Being kind and always prepared will allow you to put your best foot forward in your search. The kindness you exude could be the deciding factor of landing your next opportunity. 

First impressions are everlasting.

It can be so easy to get discouraged when searching for a new opportunity and find that you are not steadily moving forward in the process. With so many candidates in the job market, companies currently have the ability to be more selective about top-grading their talent.

This means that each interaction is crucial, and it begins with the very first point of contact. This might mean that you are reaching out in the hopes of connecting with a hiring manager, utilizing job boards to submit a general application, or sending a resume and a thoughtful email to a recruiter.

No matter where your process begins, it is important to remember that even if you have been feeling overwhelmed or burnt out, that your first interaction with someone new starts on a positive note.

Even though you may feel discouraged, making the first impression with kindness can set you on a path for success and can be the deciding factor for your next opportunity. 

Negativity with a positive twist – is still negativity.

This is another concept to be mindful of while interviewing. Future employers have little interest in hearing you harp about the negative aspects of your previous roles, even if you are able to give them a constructive spin.

Dwelling on the negativity of a former job position, coworker, manager, or work environment does not come across well during interviews and is generally a topic to avoid.

Should the conversation arise, the focus should be on what you learned, how you developed professionally and personally, and what you accomplished to ensure that you were contributing to a positive atmosphere and forward advancement.

You are your own best advocate!

Job searching is an active task. It does not fare well for those that are interested in someone else doing the heavy lifting on their behalf. For instance, when you are interested in submitting an application to a company or a recruiter, take the extra step to do a bit of digging.

Research the company or the role that you are interested in, instead of sending a generalized email that states “Do you have a job for me?” or “I would be perfect for the role.”

Drawing parallels between your previous experience and the requirements needed for a job that sparks your interest is a great way to begin a conversation and shows that you are able to go the extra mile for something that you desire. Plus – no one will know how to translate your experience and skillset better than you!

Body language speaks volumes.

Did you know that even on a phone interview, certain aspects of body language can shine through? It has been proven that smiling while talking makes your voice warmer and friendlier because the vocal cords are pulled differently than when you are not smiling.

Other key indicators of confidence during an interview include sitting up straight, making positive eye contact, nodding in turn with the conversation, and smiling, while using relaxed facial expressions.

Be selective and be prepared.

Part of the job hunt is seeking out an opportunity that leverages your current skills and challenges you to grow in your career. When on your search you should be more selective on which roles align with your skills, allow you to professionally grow on the path you are seeking, and allow you to reach your overall goals. You may be thinking “but I just want a job in my field.”

That is understandable but if the role is not in line with your skillset and you truly do not feel it is on the right path for you, this could harm your overall growth, development, and path to your personal success. In your next search, be selective and allow your best to shine. 

When you begin your next selective job search, it is also a good idea to keep a running list of organized details including company, contact, date reached out, etc., so that when the time comes to connect, you are able to acutely identify who it is that you’re chatting with and the opportunity you are discussing.

This will also allow you to be organized when you get that connection back to know which role you applied for and the details to make that first impression count. 

Being as prepared as you can throughout the interview process shows tenacity, interest, and effort – right from the beginning. Taking the initiative into details on your own time makes all the difference.

Combing through a job description is a great start but when you receive a company name – look into their website, research their culture, review their scope of work and project portfolio, and make sure that their company seems like the right fit for you.

Interviewing is equally as much about a candidate choosing to join a company, so don’t be passive when it comes to your future.

Leverage your recruiter in the process!

Having a recruiter in your corner means that there is always someone advocating for you throughout the job search journey. Don’t be afraid to share details with your recruiter – salary requirements, travel restrictions, even the hard truths about why you were let go from a role, etc.

All of these components will help your recruiter make sure that they’re presenting viable opportunities to you that make sense with your career path.

For example, while you may not want to disclose to a future employer that you are a single parent, being able to share that aspect of your life with a recruiter lets us know that a client that offers a bit more flexibility might be a better path to take when suggesting opportunities. It may seem like a vulnerable conversation to have but it is all worth it in the end.

The job hunt can be a long process, but focusing on a positive demeanor and the end goal in mind will make it all worth it when you land the job checks off all of the boxes.

We wish you the best of luck in your career search and do not forget that the Interior Talent team is here as a resource to our network for when the time to search arrives. 

If that time is today, visit our job board to see active opportunities available at