This year marks our 20th anniversary. To celebrate this milestone, we thought we would interview our Principals. See how they have built a business to last.
Q: What made you choose recruitment as your career path, and what’s been most surprising about the journey so far?
We started the company as a niche, specialized firm for the A&D industry. It’s been so surprising how diverse and larger this industry is and how we have expanded across so many sectors while still being under the umbrella of A&D.
Q: What is a fun, memorable moment you’ve had at Interior Talent?
We always have an incredible time at tradeshows and industry events. We are in the business of people, so whenever we can get out of the office and connect with the industry we serve, it’s a great time.
Q: What do you feel is the biggest strength of Interior Talent right now?
Our team, without question. We have really grown over the last few years and are lucky to have a diverse and dynamic team that brings so much energy and expertise to the table every day.
Q: How do you think the industry has changed since the company was started?
We have found that the industry is more receptive to partnering with recruitment firms. When we started many of our smaller design and architecture firms had never worked with a partner to help the hire.
Now, we find they embrace the process and really see the value of the relationship.
Q: How did the company get to where it is?
We like to think we grew organically over the years by staying in our lane and truly living our company core values. This allowed us to grow almost entirely by referral and grow the firms that wanted to collaborate.
Q: Would you tell us about Interior Talent’s accomplishments in the last 20 years? What moments stand out to you? What are you the proudest of?
In the early days, I would have said the big moments evolved around landing a marquee client, as it made us feel validated in our space. However, I now know the biggest accomplishment has been how long
our team members have stayed and helped grow this company. We absolutely would not be where we are without this team.
Q: What do you value most about Interior Talent’s culture and vision?
Our core value of creating a culture add not fit has pushed us to hire team members that bring fresh perspective.
Q: What would you say has been the most rewarding part as leader of Interior Talent?
Feeling like you made a tangible impact on the quality of someone’s life. We truly value a cohesive work/life balance and strive to help our team hit their goals but professionally and personally.
Q: What is your most significant achievement in your role today?
Knowing when to step back and let the team step up.
Q: How will Interior Talent continue to have success in the future?
By staying aligned with our core values and goals, we hope to be able to achieve growth while holding on to our unique environment.
Q: What do you value most about Interior Talent’s culture and vision?
How collaborative we all are. As a company we take on all new initiatives as a team, allowing everyone to own their part. This has helped us collectively feel accountable to each other and simply get things done.
Q: What was the last big achievement celebrated at Interior Talent?
We did a great company retreat to the mountains in 2022 to celebrate our success.
Since 2003 we’ve been proud to cultivate long-lasting relationships with professionals in the industry. As we enter our twentieth year, we look forward to the growth of our team and all of the exciting things we have on our path ahead.
We have learned so much from this dynamic industry and are privileged to work with many talented professionals. From our team to our clients, partners, those we have assisted, and the industries we serve, we want to say THANK YOU.
Want to meet our incredible team and us? Click here.