Crafting Your Resignation Letter

September 8, 2020
Posted in Job Seekers
September 8, 2020 ThePost

Resignation letters are fairly standard from one industry to the next and this simple guide can help you craft a professional and appropriate message of departure.

To begin, you’ll want to clearly state that you are making a departure from the company. There is no need to provide an explanation or be creative in your wording, just keep it simple.

Dear [Boss’s Name],

Please accept this letter as a formal notification that I am resigning from my position as [your title] with [company name]. My last day will be [last day – usually 2 weeks from the date you provide notice].

Next, you’ll want to thank your employer for the opportunity and do your part to exit on good terms. Although you may be leaving, it is always best to leave on a positive note if possible, and stay connected for the future.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to be a part of [Company Name] for [tenure with the company]. I’ve greatly enjoyed the opportunities to develop and I’ve learned [a few specific things that you’ve learned through your role]. I’ll take these lessons with me throughout my career.

Finally, wrap up your letter by stating your willingness to aid in the transition. This can be broad, as to not commit to things you can’t deliver, but to ensure that you intend to wrap up your responsibilities as best you can. It is best to also include a list of action items so that your supervisor is aware of any projects that are still in the works, tasks that need coverage, or items that you plan to complete prior to your departure.

During my final days with the company, I’ll do everything possible to [wrap up open projects, train future team members, send any necessary documents, etc.] Please let me know if there is anything more that I can do to aid during the transition.

I wish the company continued success, and hope to stay in touch in the future.


[Your Name]

Using this guide can help you craft a letter that provides peace of mind and closure to both yourself and your previous employer while intending to remain on good terms.

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